Welcome to the Clan Citadel information pages.
Clan Citadel is based in Norway and true to viking traditions,
Clan Citadel only accepts members that is crazed enough to play half-life over the internet.
On the right side you can see the Clan logo for Half-Life multiplay, if you see this logo
sprayed over your fragged player in an Half-Life deathmatch, you can be sure that it
was a quality frag.
Here is a litle picture showing off how we practice snipers.. be sure it's tough being a
sniper member of Clan Citadel.
Clan Citadel is affiliated with Citadel Computer Software Developers (CCSD), also based in Norway,
a little know demo group that hasn't really done anything execpt hang around since the time of the
C64 was hot stuff.